By Dr. Jack Graham
Nehemiah said, “I am your servant” (Nehemiah 1:4–11). We should never ask God to do something without also asking Him, “What do you want me to do?” That is what Nehemiah did. He asked God to …
By Dr. Jack Graham
Nehemiah said, “I am your servant” (Nehemiah 1:4–11). We should never ask God to do something without also asking Him, “What do you want me to do?” That is what Nehemiah did. He asked God to …
By: Kason Branch
April 23, 2003, is a day that then 13-year-old Natalie Gilbert will never forget. On that day, she was scheduled to sing the national anthem for the 2003 NBA playoff game between the Dallas Mavericks and the …
By: Tim Matthews
Tim Keller once said, “Both men and women today see marriage not as a way of creating character and community but as a way to reach personal life goals. …
By Brian Taylor
Have you ever found yourself asking the question, “Who am I?” or “Why am I doing this?” Maybe it was after a discouraging Sunday morning experience. Maybe you had to have that same conversation with that same …
By Michael Neale
Horizon. To me, just the word invokes promise, hope and new beginnings. It rings of vast and epic exploration. It awakens the adventurer inside us. It beckons us to new frontiers.
It’s where heaven meets the earth.…
By Dr. Jack Graham
Not only did Jesus testify to the authority of Scripture, but also He testified to its authenticity. Jesus viewed Scripture as being verbally inspired by God. When He read the Old Testament scrolls—whether the Law, …
By: Nick Floyd
As pastors we often feel pressured to make sure our lives are in accordance to the words that we preach on Sundays. This is a good thing; but at times, it can be overwhelming. I don’t know …
By: Dr. Jack Graham
To the casual reader of the four gospels, it could be easy to overlook that Jesus Christ knew the Old Testament Scriptures from start to finish, and this despite not one mention of having a copy …
By: Andrew Hebert
“I take my text and make a beeline to the cross.” —Charles Spurgeon
My entire approach to preaching was revolutionized about three years ago when I read Tony Merida’s short book Proclaiming Jesus: Christ-Centered Teaching and Preaching…
By Dr. John Potter
And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone,
able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with
gentleness. —2 Timothy 2:24–25…