When All Seems Lost

By Keith Baldridge

I had just returned home to Denver after a long fundraising trip to a partner church in Dallas. As I walked through my front door – luggage still in hand – my phone rang insistently. I initially

Do We Still Need a Shepherd in These Modern Times?

by Dr. Jack Graham

Sheep are funny creatures. They’re sociable, but they’re also liable to wander off. They remember things, but they also roll over on their backs and can’t get up without assistance.

That’s why they need a shepherd.…

Engaging Young Families

by Tim Matthews

“How can our church reach more young families?” This is a very common question that almost every church in America is asking itself. Why are they asking this question? Because “young families” is a demographic that is …

Investing in the Future: Raising Up the Next Generation of Leaders

By Jack Raymond

I am passionate about God’s Church and the future of His Church. Now, I could start this article with countless statistics on how the next generation is more and more disengaged and uninvolved with Christianity and with …

Identifying & Reaching Gen Z Preteens

by Matt Rucker

Ministry leaders, Psalm 48:13–14 instructs us to walk in the presence of God so that we may tell the next generation that God is their eternal guide. Whatever generation you may identify with, Generation Z (Gen Z) …

Leading Through Crisis

By Dr. Jack Graham

Leadership is a privilege. It can be challenging, especially in these times of crisis. But it is when we are in the crucible that true leadership is revealed.

Crises can take different forms. …

The Pastor and Spiritual Formation

By Dr. Jason Snyder

Recently I’ve noticed a common thread permeating the newly released titles in Christian publishing, popular pastor podcasts, conference-speaker keynotes, and the like … the topic of “burnout in ministry.” And why? What might be missing from …

Why We Worship

By Tyler Gilliland

Anytime I think back to my childhood, my thoughts always include a church. I’m sure this would happen for most PKs (pastor’s kids) because I think we can all agree that we lived in the church halls. …

Know Your Why

By Lance Millsaps

Prior to my call to ministry, I was a teacher and a basketball coach. I absolutely love basketball, especially coaching it. The strategy of the game, X’s and O’s, and the pressure moments within the game are …

Communicating God’s Vision

By Dr. Jack Graham

There are countless leadership books being written and published every day, but the greatest leadership book is the Bible. After all, as Christians, we model our leadership and our lives after Jesus and His leadership.…