The Prestonwood Network exist to equip and encourage pastors while working together to plant and revitalize churches.
Established in 2011 under the leadership of Dr. Jack Graham, the Prestonwood Network exists to resource and encourage pastors while working together to plant and revitalize churches. The Network is relationship-based and consists completely of Kingdom partnerships including: former Prestonwood staff that are now lead pastors, pastors that have a relationship with Prestonwood Church, and church plants that have been supported in the past. These are all part of the Prestonwood Network.
We live in an incredibly anxious and depressed culture here in America, and the COVID-19 pandemic, civil unrest and divisive politics have further exacerbated this issue. According to a 2020 report from Mental Health America, more than 47 million adults in our nation are experiencing some form of mental illness. My home state of Texas is one of the lowest ranking in the nation for quality of mental health…
Recently, I walked through Hobby Lobby, and Christmas décor is already in some of their aisles. It is still technically the summer, but they’re getting ready for Christmas. All of us in local church ministry need to start getting ready for Christmas. One of the greatest outreach strategies in the history of Christendom is taking place right now – Operation Christmas Child (OCC). …
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Whether you do or not, January is the perfect moment to pause and consider how to lay strong foundations for the year ahead … especially when it comes to your walk with the Lord. Ask yourself what kind of year you want this to be. Will 2021 be a time when you draw closer to Jesus or drift away from Him? Because spiritually speaking, there’s no standing still…
In this article, I want to be super practical on how you, as a pastor, minister or leader in the church, can start training, reproducing, and sending young leaders out for the kingdom of God. All of these practices are implemented in our Residency Program at Prestonwood because we, as a local church, care deeply about reaching all generations with the good news of the Gospel…
I can remember it as if it were yesterday. I had just left work, and as I pulled into my apartment complex, I noticed some teenagers playing basketball. I decided this would be a great way to get to know my neighbors, so I parked my car and went over to play with this group of kids. After a few games, it was time to go home; yet as I was leaving, I felt compelled and convicted to talk to them about Jesus…
We began planting Redemption City Church in Fort Worth, Texas, one year ago, and I want to share a few things I learned in my first year so that maybe you’ll have less heartburn in your first year…It’s about reaching people. There are so many things that demand my time and attention. Good things! But if I don’t lead our team to reach new people, this church won’t reach its redemptive potential…
As a church leader, you know, no doubt, how critical volunteers are to a church’s ministry. Let’s face it – no church could fulfill the mission to impact neighborhoods and cities with the Gospel without volunteers sacrificially giving of their time and resources. It truly is amazing to consider how hard volunteers work within churches across America. Their passion is humbling, and their contribution is the fuel…
It was wrong, and the Lord has since forgiven me, but I vowed from an early age not to marry a man in ministry. Almost every man I loved while growing up was in ministry – my father, both my grandfathers and even several uncles. Which means, almost every woman I loved as a child was a ministry wife. And theirs was a life that looked hard. I admired them, but with all due respect, it was a hard pass for me.
We’ve all learned how to worship differently, haven’t we? There was something truly special about those first few weeks of worshiping from home. Warming up your coffee and breakfast, gathering the family around the TV or laptop, scrolling through services from other churches. There was something unifying about it, worshipping along with friends and family in other cities and states at the same time…
“How can our church reach more young families?” This is a very common question that almost every church in America is asking itself. Why are they asking this question? Because “young families” is a demographic that is proving to be harder and harder for the Church to reach and connect with. Every major study of this generation will tell you that most churches are struggling to reach…