When All Hell Breaks Loose

By Brandon Bowers

I once heard an old preacher say that “for a person who believes in Jesus, this life is the closest they’ll ever get to hell.”

I believe that.
And I’ve seen it, too.…

The Number One Reason That We Don’t Have Revival

By Dr. Jack Graham

We have recently seen some huge judicial victories for God’s people here in America, as the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Christian business owner and of pro-life crisis pregnancy centers in California.…

The Mountains Are Calling

By Jarrett Stephens

The following text is the foreword by Dr. Jack Graham for the debut book by Prestonwood Teaching Pastor Jarrett Stephens.

The Christian life is a series of mountaintops and valleys, and the way up is not always …

Receiving and Utilizing Mission Teams

By Curtis Cook

If you talk with church planters about missions teams from other churches, you will often get mixed feedback. Some planters love them and are eager to use them, and others try to avoid them at all costs. …

Student Ministry Is Great Commission Ministry

By Ryan Ross

If you pay much attention to my social media page, you’ve probably noticed a theme. No, I’m not talking about the Dallas Cowboys! I share pretty regularly about reaching students with the Good News of Jesus Christ …

Four Stages of Church Planting Development

By Bobby Wood

Development is necessary for any profession, and church planting is no different. Who wants a heart surgeon who has never operated on a heart before or a contractor who’s never picked up a hammer? Church planters need …

Here’s My Checklist to Prevent “The Nightmare before Christmas”

By Phil Cooke

Every winter, church media producers and communication directors across the country begin a time-honored and terrifying ritual: the Church Christmas Pageant. These local, church-sponsored theatrical presentations are usually videotaped for archives or bookstore sales;…

Pre-Marital Counseling for the Glory of God

By: Tim Matthews

Tim Keller once said, “Both men and women today see marriage not as a way of creating character and community but as a way to reach personal life goals. …

How to Make Jesus the Hero of Every Sermon

By: Andrew Hebert

“I take my text and make a beeline to the cross.” —Charles Spurgeon

My entire approach to preaching was revolutionized about three years ago when I read Tony Merida’s short book Proclaiming Jesus: Christ-Centered Teaching and Preaching

Eight Ways to Do Kingdom Ministry Better

By Bobby Wood

I really love my job. I love the fact that I get to work with church planters and pastors every day. It’s cool to see the various ministries they represent and how God has wired each one …