Three Ways to Improve Your Team’s Self-Esteem

By Roscoe Lilly

Did you know that organizations have self-esteem? We often consider the self-esteem of others or our own self-esteem, but rarely do we think that organizations might possess one as well.…

Receiving and Utilizing Mission Teams

By Curtis Cook

If you talk with church planters about missions teams from other churches, you will often get mixed feedback. Some planters love them and are eager to use them, and others try to avoid them at all costs. …

How to Defeat Division on Your Team

By Brian Taylor

You know what I love about kids? Whatever they do, they are ALL in. For my two at home, most days, this works out well for us. They play well together. They enjoy each other’s company, sometimes …

Student Ministry Is Great Commission Ministry

By Ryan Ross

If you pay much attention to my social media page, you’ve probably noticed a theme. No, I’m not talking about the Dallas Cowboys! I share pretty regularly about reaching students with the Good News of Jesus Christ …

And the Lord’s Servant Must Not Be Quarrelsome

By Dr. John Potter

And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone,
able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with
gentleness. —2 Timothy 2:24–25…

Service Trumps Authenticity

By Roscoe Lilly

You’ve probably heard someone say it’s important to be authentic to who you really are. You should be the person you were designed to be and not try to be someone else. Authenticity is the only thing …

The Needed and Under-Developed Skills of Ministers

By Jeff Young

Prestonwood Network: What are the skill sets you believe are must-haves for ministers coming into their first full-time positions?

Jeff Young: Obviously, there are matters of character that are critical for any minister,

Eight Ways to Do Kingdom Ministry Better

By Bobby Wood

I really love my job. I love the fact that I get to work with church planters and pastors every day. It’s cool to see the various ministries they represent and how God has wired each one …

Campaign for Purity

By Shawn Callander

Pornography is ravaging the hearts and minds of men and women worldwide. Today, the accessibility to pornographic images is simply a click away. Movie channels, the Internet, and apps such as Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and other media …

Communication in a Multisite Church

By Chris Kouba

I have been married to my wife, Hillary, for 15 years and despite the fact that we talk every day, at times we easily have issues with communication.  Either I’m not listening or she’s not sharing or …