By Prestonwood Network Staff
Prestonwood Network: How did God call and lead you to pastor Park Slope Community Church?
Logan Dagley: I was born in the Northeast, but gave my life to Christ in North Carolina as a teenager. Since that time, I’ve had a heart to go back and reach people far from God as I was. So, when the opportunity presented itself, my wife and I jumped!
Prestonwood Network: What do you and your family love most about doing life in the Brooklyn, N.Y., area?
Logan Dagley: Two things stand out:
- We love the diversity and the many different cultures that are all crammed together in a small space. So, as a family, we do something called world Wednesdays where we go out and learn about different countries and cultures and eat great food from those places.
- We love the culture. On a free day, we enjoy going to the museums and galleries and parks!
Prestonwood Network: Can you share with us a story or two about how God is working in a mighty way at Park Slope?
Logan Dagley: Even though 8.6 million people call New York City home, God still cares about the one that is lost. At Park Slope Community Church, we have seen God pursue and save those who are far from Him. This is exactly what happened with Jason. Jason is a local real estate agent in our neighborhood, but was at a low point in his life – wondering where he could find purpose and meaning apart from the worldly pursuits that had left him empty. So, one day, in a moment of desperation, Jason rang our church doorbell: “Hey,” he said, “I know that this is a little weird, but I am in a rough place. Is there someone I could talk to?” I sat down with him, heard his whole story, and shared the Gospel with him. Right then and there, Jason gave his life to Christ. Since then, Jason has been coming to our church, meeting with church members for discipleship, and even getting connected to a community group. Recently, I met with him for discipleship, and he came in, smiling ear to ear, and said, “It feels like I have a new life!” In a city with so many people, I thank God that He still pursues the one.
I also want to share about Susan, who is an actress. She’s constantly on the go, filming shows, commercials and movies. When we first met, she was unsure of her faith. Although she had some religious background, she was not following Jesus. After meeting several times, she came to our church. After the service, she came to me and said, “I loved it. I am in.” Since then, we have been able to meet and answer a lot of the questions she had about Jesus. Now, she has had a faith awakening and is on fire for Jesus with a passion to tell others about Him. Her entire network and friendships in the acting world are not believers, and she shares with them and brings them to PSCC!
Prestonwood Network: What do you love most about being a pastor?
Logan Dagley: I love helping people find and use their gifts in the mission of God, and teaching the Scriptures in such a way that helps them grow deeper roots in Christ.
Prestonwood Network: How do you personally stay encouraged in ministry, and what has been helpful to you during seasons of discouragement?
Logan Dagley: My wife and I are very committed to living in community. So, if we are in town, we never miss our community group. It is essential for us. During seasons of discouragement, I have found great encouragement in reading and re-reading the book of 2 Timothy (and John Stott’s commentary on it!)
Prestonwood Network: What is one thing that God is currently teaching you in the area of pastoring your home and pastoring your church?
Logan Dagley: Patience. Most of the work that God wants to do in my family and in my church will take place over an extended period of time, not in a moment.
Prestonwood Network: What is the mission of Park Slope, and how do you motivate people toward fulfilling the mission?
Logan Dagley: Our mission is simply to be a church that is rooted in Christ and loves our neighbors. So, we are constantly helping people dig their roots deeper into prayer, Bible study, their identity in Christ, and biblical community. At the same time, we give them opportunities to love their neighbors through evangelism, service and their daily work. We pray that the motivation for this mission would be found in the beauty and worth of Jesus.
Prestonwood Network: What has you most excited about the future of Park Slope?
Logan Dagley: I am so excited about the future of our church. Our hope is that our church can be a mission hub to 1) reach the next generation of urban leaders (cradle through college), 2) serve the hurting and the marginalized in our community, and 3) mobilize for a church-planting movement in our city.
Prestonwood Network: How can we be praying for you, your family and your church?
Logan Dagley: Please pray for evangelistic fruitfulness in our church, clarity and persistence as a leader, and new friendships for our family.
Prestonwood Network: Is there anything else you would like to share?
Logan Dagley: No. I just want to close by saying thank you for all your prayers and support!
Prestonwood Network: Thank you, Logan, for sharing how God is working and moving in the Brooklyn area. It is a joy to partner with you and Park Slope Community Church in spreading the Gospel and making disciples for Jesus Christ.

Logan Dagley is Lead Pastor of Park Slope Community Church in Brooklyn, N.Y. Connect with Logan on Twitter: @LoganDagley.
More information on Park Slope Community Church can be found at Please share a word of encouragement or prayer with Pastor Logan at [email protected].