Preaching Source

These are some of the most useful online preaching resources found on the web, all organized under the following headings:

  • Preaching Courses
  • Basics Of Preaching
  • Exegesis
  • Expository Preaching
  • Commentaries
  • Introduction
  • Structure
  • Delivery of A Sermon
  • Using Notes
  • Application
  • Illustration
  • Old Testament Preaching
  • Evangelistic Preaching
  • Evaluating Preaching


  1. Don Carson’s Lectures On Preaching
  2. Fundamentals Of Expository Preaching – MacArthur and Lawson
  3. Derek Tidball Lectures on Preaching – Justin Taylor
  4. Richard Gaffin Lectures: Reformed Hermeneutics – Justin Taylor
  5. Tim Keller’s New Lectures On Preaching
  6. How Sermons Work: David Murray’s Video Lectures on Preaching


  1. Top 10 Books on Preaching
  2. John Stott On Preparing A Sermon
  3. What You’ll Never Hear About Preaching In Seminary
  4. How Do You Define Preaching? Pure Church by Thabiti Anyabwile
  5. John Wesley’s 12 Rules For Preachers
  6. Praying During Sermon Preparation | Ordinary Pastor
  7. A Classical Analysis of Puritan Preaching – Reformation21
  8. Preaching and Sermon Preparation – Reformed Forum
  9. Things I’ve Learned Along the Way… | H.B. Charles Jr.
  10. Four Rules for Preachers – Justin Taylor
  11. Ed Stetzer – Preaching “One-Time” Sermons
  12. 8 rules for preachers from Luther – Reformation21 Blog
  13. Preachers on Preaching | The Cripplegate
  14. Reflections on Great Bible Teaching (Part 1, Part 2)
  15. 40 Lessons I’ve Learned About Preaching After My 400th Sermon | Pastoralized
  16. Sermon preparation – Ray Ortlund
  17. 6 Bullet Points on Preaching | Challies Dot Com
  18. The Centrality Of Preaching | RBC
  19. Four Easy (and often overlooked) Tips that Could Improve Your Preaching | Ordinary Pastor
  20. Ligon Duncan on Lloyd-Jones – Kevin DeYoung
  21. 10 steps to better preaching | Mission-minded Church |
  22. Don’t Strive To Be a Great Preacher – Reformation21 Blog
  23. Josh Moody on Preaching – Justin Taylor
  24. Paul Washer on Homiletics | The Cripplegate
  25. Help in Preaching the Hardest Sermons – Justin Taylor
  26. Principles for preaching « The Wanderer
  27. 7 Ways to Preach a Lousy Sermon by Ken Collins
  28. 7 Marks of Great Preaching by David Lose
  29. Practical Tips for Expository Preachers | Crossway
  30. Urban Legends: The Preacher’s Edition: Kingdom People
  31. How Shall They Hear Without a Preacher? – Reformation21
  32. What is Homiletics? on Vimeo
  33. YouTube – What is Redemptive-Historical Preaching?
  34. How to Think of Sermon Preparation and Delivery Like a Three-Course Meal – Justin Taylor
  35. Practical Questions On Preaching | Proclamation Trust
  36. Greg Beale on Preaching
  37. Gospel-Centered Preaching: Kingdom People
  38. Preaching that Paints the Shedding of Christ’s Blood – Feeding on Christ
  39. The Imperative of the Indicative: Preaching Christ from the Gospels
  40. An Outline for a Process of Sermon Preparation – Justin Taylor
  41. From Text To Sermon (Video) | HeadHeartHand
  42. Normal sermon prep? Really? | HeadHeartHand
  43. Six steps of sermon preparation | HeadHeartHand
  44. What Does It Mean To “Preach Christ?” |HeadHeartHand
  45. 8 Lessons I Learned About Preaching From Painting My Kitchen | HeadHeartHand
  46. The secret to powerful preaching | HeadHeartHand
  47. What Is Preaching? | HeadHeartHand
  48. Dying To Preach | HeadHeartHand
  49. Six Keys To Excellence In Preaching | HeadHeartHand
  50. Tell Them One Thing | HeadHeartHand
  51. Great preachers are great listeners (and lovers) | HeadHeartHand
  52. God Blesses Beta Sermons | HeadHeartHand
  53. A preacher who dreads sermon preparation? | HeadHeartHand
  54. Sermon Eurekas | HeadHeartHand
  55. White Space For Preachers | HeadHeartHand
  56. 10 Pointers for Young Preachers | Biblical Preaching
  57. Faithful Expository Preaching Is Christ-Centered Preaching | Prince on Preaching
  58. What to Know When You Are the Guest PreacherPreach Truth – Better
  59. 5 Radars Every Preacher Needs | Biblical Preaching
  60. Spurgeon on Expositional Reading and Teaching in the Worship Service? – Feeding on Christ
  61. The 5 Most Frustrating Things Pastors Do |
  62. 4 Reasons Why Some Preachers Get Better and Others Don’t by Hershael York
  63. 10 Lessons I Learned From My Mistakes in Preaching – Justin Taylor
  64. Seven Habits of Highly Effective Preachers –
  65. A Preaching Confession | Gentle Reformation
  66. Don’t Outsource Your Sermon Prep
  67. Four Things To Keep In Mind For Your “Last Sermon” – Feeding on Christ
  68. The Best Way to Improve Your Preaching – Borrowed Light
  69. 8 Ways You Might Be Losing People in Your Sermons
  70. Preparing for the pulpit – Reformation21 Blog
  71. Moore to the Point – What Martin Luther King Can Teach Us About Preaching
  72. The Role of the Imagination in Good Preaching – Justin Taylor
  73. A Key Sign that You Are Maturing as a Preacher | Canon Fodder
  74. Sermon Prep for the Bivocational Pastor |
  75. 21 Skills of Great Preachers |
  76. 4 Sermon Types to Avoid by Derek Thomas | Ligonier Ministries Blog
  77. Getting Through a Preaching Slump – Pure Church by Thabiti Anyabwile


  1. 10 Questions For Expositors – Brian Croft
  2. 10 Tips From Wayne Grudem On Bible Interpretation
  3. Pointers for Preaching Epistles Effectively(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5)
  4. The dilemma of preaching and hearing God’s word | The Briefing
  5. Preaching and Word Studies(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5)
  6. Extended Gestation | Biblical Preaching
  7. The Peculiar Pleasure of Difficult Sermons « unashamed
  8. Meditate Your Way To A More Creative Mind | Fast Company
  9. BibleX: Five Crucial Sermon Questions
  10. Snapshot Sermons | HeadHeartHand
  11. Dangerous dissection | HeadHeartHand
  12. 7 types of preacher’s block (and what to do about them) | HeadHeartHand
  13. Sermon prep and the chemistry of fear | HeadHeartHand
  14. 7 easy steps to much faster sermon prep | HeadHeartHand
  15. Catchy sermon titles? | HeadHeartHand
  16. How to Write Better Sermon Titles – Pro Preacher
  17. What will I preach on? | HeadHeartHand
  18. Investing In Sermon Titles | HeadHeartHand
  19. 10,000 Hours to a Great Sermon? | HeadHeartHand
  20. Overcoming Preacher’s Block | Biblical Preaching
  21. Eight Traits of Good Teaching | Desiring God
  22. Top 20 Christ-Centered Expository Preaching Checklist « Prince on Preaching Prince on Preaching
  23. Reading and Preaching the Text in Context – Feeding on Christ
  24. BibleX: Suggestions for Crafting Message Statements
  25. Pyromaniacs: Preaching Proverbs 6 — introduction and overview (#1)
  26. Pyromaniacs: Preaching Proverbs 6 — getting started (#2)
  27. Pyromaniacs: Preaching Proverbs 6 — getting in shape to preach (#4)
  28. God’s Word is most powerful in context | The Briefing
  29. Koinonia: Hebrew and You with Lee M. Fields — The Art and Force of Ps 119:1-8: Part 3
  30. Koinonia: My Advice to Students — Van Pelt Shares Solid Languages Advice He Got and Wished He Got
  31. How NOT To Use Strong’s Concordance
  32. Scripture Tools for Every Person (STEP): A New Free Online Bible Study Resource. – Justin Taylor
  33. Credo Magazine » D. A. Carson on Biblical Exegesis
  34. 7 Ways to Do a Bad Word Study. | Scribblepreach
  35. Disciple-Making and Sentence Diagramming [Compilation + PDF] | Tim Brister
  36. Borrowed Light: The Googlization of Bible Study
  37. Typology Preserves Biblical Inerrancy Against Ehrman’s Mistake | For His Renown
  38. Do Not Muzzle the Ox: Does Paul Quote Moses Out of Context? – Justin Taylor
  39. Chiasms on the Brain? | For His Renown
  40. Do You Make These 5 Common Word Study Mistakes? | Pastoralized
  41. So What Is “Theological Interpretation of Scripture”? – Justin Taylor
  42. Your Theological System Should Tell You How to Exegete – Kevin DeYoung
  43. BibleX: The Exegetical Habit
  44. Jesus Redeems a Psalm: What a Difference “Christotelicity” Makes!
  45. 3 Steps for Interpreting Old Testament Pairings | Logos Talk: The Logos Bible Software Blog
  46. ABC Study « Gentle Reformation
  47. 11 Questions Every Pastor Should Ask : Kingdom People
  48. Fight the Text Before You Flee to Christ – The Gospel Coalition Blog
  49. ESV GreekTools – Justin Taylor
  50. More on Quality Exegesis « Reading Acts
  51. Women Weeping Over Diagrammed Sentences – The Gospel Coalition Blog
  52. Can That Be Right? The New Testament’s Use of Old Testament Prophecy – Kevin DeYoung
  53. Home – How To Do A Word Study Without Knowing Hebrew Or Greek – Azusa Pacific University
  54. Word Studies
  55. Feeding on Christ » Blog Archive » The Puritan Exegesis Project: William Cowper on 2 Cor. 5:5
  56. Plummer’s Primer to Hermeneutics: A Must-Have : Kingdom People
  57. Three Questions with Gerald Bray: On Three Questions to Ask of Biblical Texts – Justin Taylor
  58. Koinonia: Three Views on the New Testament use of the Old Testament Darrell Bock, Walt Kaiser, and Pete Enns


  1. Hearing Both Sides Of The Preaching Debate « unashamed
  2. 7 Reasons in Support of Consecutive Exposition of the Scripture
  3. 6 Advantages Of Consecutive Expository Preaching |
  4. How Expositional Preaching Protects Preachers
  5. 9 Reasons Why I Preach Expositionally by Danny Slavich
  6. Maybe I Do Want Topical Preaching? | 9Marks
  7. Why Should a Pastor Preach through Whole Books of the Bible…Even the Hard Ones?
  8. Pros and cons of consecutive expository preaching | HeadHeartHand
  9. ‘Expository Preaching’ – Time for Caution
  10. Seven Qualities of Expository Preaching
  11. 9 Reasons for Consecutive Expository Preaching | The Briefing


  1. Don Carson’s Best Commentaries
  2. Joel Beeke’s best Commentaries
  3. Best Commentaries
  4. Best Commentaries: Top 2 for each book
  5. Ligonier: Top 5 Commentaries on every book of the Bible
  6. Desiring God recommendations
  7. Tim Challies’ Top 5 Commentaries
  8. How to Find a Good Commentary
  9. 5 Reasons Why You Should Consult Commentaries | David L. Allen
  10. A Short Commentary on Commentaries (Acts) – Kevin DeYoung
  11. Using Bible Commentaries Beneficially – Gospel Growth
  12. How TO Use a Commentary |
  13. Why a Commentary?
  14. Commentaries as a Ministry by Douglas Moo | Reformed Theology Articles at


  1. The one sentence most public speakers get wrong | Articles
  2. How not to start a sermon | HeadHeartHand


  1. 20 Sermon Structures | HeadHeartHand


  1. Delivery Dynamics: Are You You? | Biblical Preaching
  2. Delivery Dynamics: Will They Listen | Biblical Preaching
  3. How to Transition Between the Points of Your Sermon without Losing Your Audience | Pastoralized
  4. Neither Padded, Nor Dense | Biblical Preaching
  5. Ways to Capture and Hold Attention, Part 1 |
  6. Ways to Capture and Hold Attention, Part 2 |
  7. The Missing Ingredient in Many Sermons | Ordinary Pastor
  8. BibleX: Teaching vs. Preaching
  9. (42) Ask RC- What’s the difference between teaching and preaching?
  10. The difference between a lecture and a sermon – Reformation21 Blog
  11. The Personality of the Preacher | Biblical Preaching
  12. The Personality of the Preacher 2 | Biblical Preaching
  13. The Personality of the Preacher 3 | Biblical Preaching
  14. Becoming Well-Spoken: How to Minimize Your Uh’s and Um’s | The Art of Manliness
  15. How We Are Judged by Our Voice in Dating and the Workplace | Psychology Today
  16. Pastors: Don’t Just Quote but Be Quotable | Ordinary Pastor
  17. When Presenting, Remember To Pause | HBR
  18. Luther on sermon length « Expository Thoughts
  19. How long should my sermons be when I preach? | Practical Shepherding
  20. How long?
  21. Pyromaniacs: On the Folly of Preaching too Long
  22. Writing A Book – Structure
  23. What Tone Should Preachers Aim At? – Desiring God
  24. A Presenter’s Guide to Remembering What to Say – Harvard Business Review
  25. How to Improve Your Public Speaking by Practicing Out Loud
  26. Voice lessons | The Christian Century
  27. Preaching: Simple, not Simplistic |
  28. Paradoxically Speaking: Simple Preaching
  29. Simplicity And Love In Preaching
  30. Pace and preaching | Don’t Stop Believing
  31. A plea for profound simplicity | HeadHeartHand
  32. Preachers wearing too much make-up | HeadHeartHand
  33. The charity of clarity | HeadHeartHand
  34. Notes from My Speech Coach
  35. The Manner Is The Message | HeadHeartHand
  36. 10 Foolish Obstacles To The Foolishness Of Preaching | HeadHeartHand
  37. 8 Ways Preachers Harm The Depressed | HeadHeartHand
  38. Truthful + Beautiful = Faithful |HeadHeartHand
  39. Top 10 preaching mistakes | HeadHeartHand
  40. David Wilkerson’s heartfelt plea for “anguish” | HeadHeartHand
  41. Should We Practice Preaching? HeadHeartHand
  42. Learning to preach from non-preachers | HeadHeartHand
  43. The preacher’s vocal toolbox | HeadHeartHand
  44. Overcoming The Frustration Barrier In Preaching | HeadHeartHand
  45. Freshen Up Your Preaching | HeadHeartHand
  46. How Not To Preach Boring Sermons | HeadHeartHand
  47. 8 Ways to Become a Warm-Hearted Preacher | Biblical Preaching
  48. The Cost of Dull Preaching and Teaching – Borrowed Light
  49. Preaching Earnestly | Gentle Reformation
  50. 4 Characteristics of Earnest Preaching | The Christward Collective
  51. 88 Questions Because Delivery Makes a Difference – III | Biblical Preaching
  52. Credo Magazine » Preaching Through Mental Fog (Timothy Raymond)
  53. 20 World-Class Presentation Experts Share Their Top Tips
  54. 5 words on extemporaneous preaching
  55. Be More Specific Than “Points” or “Things” | Andy Naselli
  56. 4 Characteristics of Spirit-Empowered Preaching
  57. Your Default Preaching Tone | Bibli cal Preaching
  58. Is Your Body Language Hurting Your Preaching? | Pro Preacher
  60. Preaching with Authority | Gentle Reformation
  61. Sermon Prep for the Bivocational Pastor |
  62. Simple, Practical Ways to Improve Your Preaching | Ordinary Pastor
  63. Let the Tone of Your Sermon Match the Tone of the Text – Trevin Wax
  64. Deadly, dull and boring | The Briefing
  65. How To Spice Up Bland Sermons | Ordinary Pastor
  66. The Top Mistakes I Make in Preaching ← Julian Freeman
  67. Strawberry-Rhubarb Theology: Top Ten Ways to Make Your Preaching Clearer
  68. How to Preach without Putting People to Sleep – Justin Taylor
  69. Transitions | Biblical Preaching
  70. 6 Ways to Preach with Passion (Hint: Yelling Isn’t One of Them) | Pastoralized
  71. Delivery Dynamics: Are You You? | Biblical Preaching
  72. Delivery Dynamics: Will They Listen | Biblical Preaching


  1. Preaching Notes Series
  2. Paper or Plastic? Why I hate handwritten sermon notes | The Cripplegate
  3. Preaching from an iPad | Proclamation Trust
  4. 10 Steps to Preach From Your iPad | Challies Dot Com
  5. Adam’s Apple: Preaching from an iPad | The Cripplegate
  6. Tim Keller on Writing a Sermon – YouTube
  7. Sermon Notes | Proclamation Trust
  8. Is Preaching Without Notes The Most Authentic? | Proclamation Trust
  9. BibleX: The Value of a Good Outline
  10. More Thoughts on Sermon Manuscripts « Provocations & Pantings
  11. Moving Toward Noteless | Biblical Preaching
  12. 7 Tips for Public Speaking Without All the Notes
  13. S. Lewis’s Advice on Writing Well – Justin Taylor
  14. Preaching Without Notes | Connected Kingdom Podcast
  15. Preaching Without Notes (1) | HeadHeartHand
  16. Preaching Without Notes (2) | HeadHeartHand


  1. Clarity and discretion – Reformation21 Blog
  2. Preaching that Cuts to the Heart – The Gospel Coalition Blog
  3. Pyromaniacs: Ways to profit from an expository sermon
  4. Every Pastor is a Translator | H.B. Charles Jr.
  5. Making Truth Memorable | Biblical Preaching
  6. I preach for me
  7. Cross-References
  8. Preaching to the Mixed Congregation | Biblical Preaching
  9. Applying the Sermon: Watch out for Pits, Walls and Stones « Preaching Barefoot
  10. Preaching to the Heart | Biblical Preaching
  11. Deeper Application – Blog –
  12. 5 Ways to Immediately Improve Your Preaching | Ordinary Pastor
  13. How to Preach Like Phil Ryken and Duane Litfin Without Sounding Like Them | Pastoralized
  14. 15 Ways to Improve Clarity | Biblical Preaching
  15. Show Then Tell – Free eBook On Sermon Illustrations
  16. The Christian Curmudgeon: Don’t Tase Me, Bro
  17. Founders Ministries Blog: The need for discriminating preaching and the danger of its absence
  18. A Call for Authoritative Preaching
  19. How To Astonish The World | HeadHeartHand
  20. Preaching with Bold Assurance: An Interview with Hershael York : Kingdom People
  21. Don’t Be Afraid To Preach To The Affections
  22. Preaching for Application – Justin Taylor
  23. Should Preachers Show Their Work? Or, Should Our Preaching Train People to Read the Bible? | For His Renown
  24. Preaching to the Whole Choir – Kevin DeYoung
  25. Does a Sermon Really Change Anybody? « Preaching Barefoot
  26. On Sermon Application
  27. What Is Application? | HeadHeartHand
  28. 8 Principles of Application | HeadHeartHand
  29. Emotional Intelligence | HeadHeartHand
  30. Preaching To All Ages | HeadHeartHand
  31. Steve Jobs On Preaching | HeadHeartHand
  32. Disarming Your Hearers | HeadHeartHand
  33. Preaching And Application (Pt 2) | The Heidelblog
  34. Gospel-Centered Application of the Word | Tim Brister
  35. Preaching & Application 5 | Biblical Preaching
  36. The Danger of Leaving the “Why” Out of Your Application | Pastoralized
  37. Preaching Careful, Consistent Application: A Conversation with Jonathan Leeman – Trevin Wax
  38. Charles Simeon on Discriminatory Preaching – Reformation21 Blog
  39. Preaching for Application – Justin Taylor


  1. Thoughts On Illustrations
  2. How to Guarantee Your Sermon Illustrations Succeed by Eric McKiddie – 
  3. The Value of Sermon Introductions: How to Stop Giving Your Congregation Theological Whiplash | Pastoralized
  4. 3 Things Photographers Can Teach You about Developing an Eye for Sermon Illustrations | Pastoralized
  5. 12 Reasons for Using Sermon Ilustrations
  6. Why I Use Illustrations in My Teaching and Preaching by Erik Raymond | Ligonier Ministries Blog
  7. What makes for a good illustration? | Blogging Theologically
  8. 12 Steps to Strong Sermon Illustrations | Pastoralized


  1. There’s a lot more here: Top 200 Online Articles on Preaching Christ From The Old Testamentand Top 70 HeadHeartHand Articles on Preaching Christ From The Old Testament
  2. Top 10 Books on Christ in the Old Testament
  3. Top 20 Online Resources on Christ in Proverbs
  4. Top 70 Online Resources on the Psalms
  5. “On Preaching Christ from Daniel” by Sidney Greidanus
  6. Preaching Through Joshua |
  7. Dale Ralph Davis on Preaching and Praying the Psalms « unashamed
  8. The Apostolic Hermenuetic: Preaching Christ From All The Scriptures
  9. BibleX: Preaching Amos
  10. A Review: “The Word Became Fresh: How to Preach from Old Testament Narrative Texts”
  11. BibleX: Reasons for Preaching Predictive Prophecy
  12. Pyromaniacs: The sting of sending a sluggard: Preaching a single verse from a chiasm in Proverbs
  13. To Cut a Long Story Short: Preaching Obadiah | the Cripplegate


  1. The Secret to Spurgeon’s Evangelistic Ministry by Steven Lawson | Ligonier Ministries Blog
  2. Stop preaching only to the choir? | The Briefing
  3. Evangelistic Preaching on Sunday Morning? – Justin Taylor
  4. What is evangelistic preaching? | HeadHeartHand
  5. 4 kinds of evangelistic sermons | HeadHeartHand
  6. Why is evangelistic preaching so rare today? | HeadHeartHand
  7. 4 characteristics of evangelistic preaching | HeadHeartHand
  8. 4 (more) characteristics of evangelistic preaching | HeadHeartHand
  9. What does an evangelistic sermon look like? | HeadHeartHand


  1. Deep Preaching: Theological Matters
  2. Moore to the Point – Good News for Bad Preachers
  3. How should a pastor respond when he is complimented about his sermon? | Practical Shepherding
  4. Teaching preaching | The Briefing
  5. An assessment of preaching « The Wanderer
  6. The Three Basic Forms of Defective Preaching « Building Old School Churches
  7. 3 Reasons Why PowerPoint Preaching is Not Prophetic
  8. How do you do expositional preaching poorly? | 9Marks
  9. How To Critique A Sermon | HeadHeartHand 
  10. How should a pastor respond when he is praised for a good sermon? | Practical Shepherding
  11. BibleX: Responding to Praise