Meet Dr. Steven Smith

It’s a privilege to be able to introduce Dr. Steven Smith as the newest member of the Prestonwood Network team. For some time now, Pastor Jack Graham and Dr. Smith have been in discussion about ways to enhance the network’s vision to equip and encourage pastors.

Dr. Smith currently serves as Vice President for Student Services and Communications and Professor of Communication at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and brings over 20 years of experience as a teacher and pastor to our network. He is an accomplished author of several books, including Dying to PreachEmbracing the Cross in the Pulpit, which is a short theology of preaching, as well as the forthcoming Recapturing the Voice of God: Shaping Sermons Like Scripture where, working from the conviction that sermons should be text-driven, Dr. Smith gives practical help for pastors who desire to shape their sermons like Scripture. He is currently working on a basic handbook on text-driven preaching as well as two expositional commentaries: one on Hebrews and another on Jeremiah/Lamentations.

We look forward to having Dr. Smith write articles for our website, help lead at our pastor retreats and also offer his services in helping pastors with sermon preparation and delivery. We will be sending out specific training opportunities in which you can participate very soon.

Dr. Smith and his wife, Ashley, have three children, daughters, Jewell and Sydney, and son, Shepherd.

Please be in prayer for Dr. Smith and his family as he takes on this important role as a consultant to the Prestonwood Network.