Prayer is the backbone of the Prestonwood Network. Therefore, we ask you to commit to pray specifically for a Network Church Planter, his family, city, and region. Also, please pray for the Prestonwood Network as a whole. Luke 10:2 commands us, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” It is our hope and expectation that we would see not just church planters rise up, but that we would see catalysts for church-planting movements in major cities in every region of North America.

Contributions to invest in the Prestonwood Network and its mission to plant reproducing churches can be made in one of three ways:
- Directly to a Network Church Plant or replant
- Specifically to one of the Network SEND Cities
- In general to the Prestonwood Network
Your contributions help equip current and future Prestonwood Network planters. Your contributions make it possible for us to be faithful in our mission.
For information on how to invest in a network church, contact [email protected]

There are several ways that you can support the Prestonwood Network. One key way is by attending a short-term mission trip to one of our Network churches. In 2018, we sent out 14 mission teams to our Network churches. In 2019, we plan to send out even more teams. Theses trips include evangelism, service projects and meeting other needs of the Network church. For more information on Network trips, visit: