
by Anthony Vargas

I can remember it as if it were yesterday. I had just left work, and as I pulled into my apartment complex, I noticed some teenagers playing basketball. I decided this would be a great way to …

Dr. Jack Graham on Election 2020

By Dr. Jack Graham

Election season is here, and Dr. Jack Graham wants to share with you his heart and his prayer for the 2020 election.…

Three Steps to Help You Battle Anxiety and Depression during COVID-19

by Dr. Jack Graham

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has brought fear, chaos, grief and isolation into our …

Training Teachers: The Ministry of “Change”

by Dr. Jason W. Snyder

American educator John Milton Gregory is quoted as saying, “Many teachers go to their work either partly prepared or wholly unprepared. They are like messengers without a message. They lack entirely the power and enthusiasm …

Loving Senior Adults from a Distance

By Alan Moore

Perhaps you are familiar with this quote from an unknown author: “If you think missing me is hard, you should try missing you.” This sounds like something the A.A. Milne character Eeyore would say, doesn’t it? One …

Our One True God

by Tasha Calvert

Psalm 115

If we had been given even a 15-second glimpse last year of what we’re experiencing now – walking through a grocery store, boarding a flight, or even attending a church service – it’s hard to …

Ministering to Special Needs Families

By Nichole Huggins

When the pew meets the pavement, what does it look like for your church to engage in outreach, missions and the work of serving others well? Sadly, even with our best efforts to reach all people with …

Spotlight Interview: Matt Schoolfield

By Prestonwood Network Staff

Prestonwood Network: COVID-19 has changed so much regarding ministry and pastoring these past few months. What have been a few key lessons that you, as a pastor, have learned and applied these last several months?


Leading Through Crisis

By Dr. Jack Graham

Leadership is a privilege. It can be challenging, especially in these times of crisis. But it is when we are in the crucible that true leadership is revealed.

Crises can take different forms. …

The Pastor and Spiritual Formation

By Dr. Jason Snyder

Recently I’ve noticed a common thread permeating the newly released titles in Christian publishing, popular pastor podcasts, conference-speaker keynotes, and the like … the topic of “burnout in ministry.” And why? What might be missing from …